ROI TIME RANGE CLIENT Wine Enthusiast is a renowned subscription-based print publication with a need to grow advertising and subscriptions 01 SITUATION CATALOG & MAGAZINE PRINTING With commitment to quality and elevated living, Wine Enthusiast needed a direct PHOTO RETOUCHING mail program that would inspire customers to grow their advertising and subscriptions. AD MANAGEMENT 02 SOLUTION PRE-MEDIA PRODUCTION Wine Enthusiast chose Kodi’s three-month retargeted direct mail solution to increase their e-commerce sales during an off-peak TIP-INS wine season. 03 SUCCESS POSTAL OPTIMIZATION With an initial investment of over $50,000, RETARGETED DIRECT MAIL Wine Enthusiast achieved an ROI of $1 million within 3 months of the campaign’s implementation. PhoPhottoographgraphyy LaLayyout &out & OOffffsesett DigitalDigital LarLarggee DirDirecectt ExperientialExperiential SignagSignage e PPoosstaltal FulfillmentFulfillment TTransporaransporationtion File PrFile Prepep PrintPrint PrintPrint FFormaormatt MailMail && P Prroommoottiioonnaall & Displa& Displayyss OpOptimizatimizationtion CREACREATIVE PRODUCTIVE PRODUCTIONTION PRINT PRODUCPRINT PRODUCTIONTION PRODUCPRODUCTION SOLTION SOLUTIONSUTIONS LLOGISOGISTICSTICS

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